Andrew Tomlinson, PhD
Research Interest
Cells in developing tissues are directed to their appropriate differentiation fate by signals they receive from other cells. A key goal is to understand the mechanisms by which cells produce and release the signals and the processes by which other cells receive and interpret those signals. We examine these processes in the developing fruit fly in both neural and non-neural tissues. The retina is ideally suited for the study of short range signaling, and our investigations focus on how specific photoreceptor cell fates are directed by the intercellular signaling mechanisms. We are also investigating long-range signaling mechanism that direct developmental behavior of cells, both in the retina and in non-neural tissues such as the wing and leg.
“Cellular interactions in Drosophila development.“
Tomlinson, A. (2003). Patterning the peripheral retina of the fly: decoding a gradient. Developmental Cell 5, 799-809 PMID: 14602079
Chen,C. M., Strapps, W., Tomlinson, A., and Struhl, G. (2004). Evidence that the cysteine-rich domain of Drosophila Frizzled family receptors is dispensable for transducing Wingless. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101 (45), 15061-15066 PMID: 15514021
Apionishev, S., Katanayeva, N.M., Marks, S., Kalderon, D. and Tomlinson, A. (2005) Drosophila Smoothened phosphorylation sites essential for Hedgehog Signal Transduction. Nature Cell Biology 7(1), 86-92 PMID: 15592457
Katanaev, KL, Ponzielli, R. Sémériva, M. and Tomlinson, A. (2005) Trimeric G-protein-dependent Frizzled signaling in Drosophila. Cell 120, 111-122. PMID: 15652486
Blair A, Tomlinson A, Pham H, Gunsalus KC, Goldberg ML, Laski FA. (2006) Twinstar, the Drosophila homolog of cofilin/ADF, is required for planar cell polarity patterning. Development.133 (9):1789-97
Lim, H-Y, and Tomlinson, A. (2006) Organization of the peripheral fly eye: the roles of Snail family transcription factors in peripheral apoptosis. Development.133(18):3529-37 PMID: 16914498
Katanaev, KL, and Tomlinson, A. (2006) Dual roles for the trimeric G protein Go in asymmetric cell division of Drosophila. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Apr 25;103(17):6524-9. Epub 2006 Apr 14. PMID: 16617104
Katanaev, KL, and Tomlinson, A. (2006) Multiple roles of a trimeric G protein in Drosophila cell polatization. Cell Cycle 2006 Nov 1;5(21):2464-72. Epub 2006 Sep 13. Review. PMID: 17102631
Sato, A. and Tomlinson, A. (2007) Dorsal-ventral midline signaling in the developing Drosophila eye. Development. 2007 Feb;134(4):659-67. PMID: 17215299
Tomlinson, A., Mavromatakis, Y.E., and Struhl,G. (2011) Three distinct roles for notch in Drosophila R7 photoreceptor specification. PLoS Biol. Aug;9(8):e1001132. PMID: 21886484
Wang, J.W., Brent, J.R., Tomlinson A, Shneider, N.A., and McCabe, B.D. (2011) The ALS-associated proteins FUS and TDP-43 function together to affect Drosophila locomotion and life span. J Clin Invest. Oct;121(10):4118-26. PMID: 21881207
Mavromatakis, Y.E., and Tomlinson, A. (2012) The role of the small GTPase Rap in Drosophila R7 photoreceptor specification. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Mar 6;109(10):3844-9. PMID: 22355117
Tomlinson, A (2012) The origin of the Drosophila subretinal pigment layer. J Comp Neurol. Aug 15;520(12):2676-82. PMID: 22684937
Mavromatakis, Y.E., and Tomlinson, A. (2012) Stop and Go: Antagonistic signals in the specification of the Drosophila R7 photoreceptor viewed from an evolutionary perspective. Fly Oct-Dec;6(4):228-33 (Review). PMID: 22878552
Mavromatakis, Y.E., and Tomlinson, A. (2013) Switching cell fates in the developing Doropshila eye. Development (in press)