Darcy Kelley is an advisor to the NB&B Program. Dr. Kelley founded the Doctoral Program in Neurobiology and Behavior with John Koester, and served as co-director of the program from its inception until September 2024. Dr. Kelley is an HHMI Professor and the Harold Weintraub Chair of Biological Sciences. The research of her laboratory focuses on the neurobiology and evolution of vocal communication. She is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She directs the graduate Developmental and Systems Neuroscience Course and co-directs Experimental Approaches in the Neural Sciences. With science colleagues at Columbia, she developed a new undergraduate core course for all entering College students, Frontiers of Science. From 1985-1989, Dr. Kelley was Director of the Neural Systems and Behavior course at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. Dr. Kelley has been a member of the HHMI predoctoral review committee and a member of the NST and NIH Roadmap study sections (NIH).

Carol Mason, PhD is an advisor to the NB&B Program. She was a program co-director from 2006-2017. Throughout her career, Carol has supported training and mentoring of students and young faculty, especially women, in scientific and professional skills, and championed communication of science to the public. Carol currently teaches in the NB&B course in Professional Skills, the Basic Science in Ophthalmology Course, and has taught in Introduction to Neural Development. Carol was President of the Society for Neuroscience from 2013-2104, and is a member of a NAS/NAM/NAE working group on Neuroscience Training: Developing a Nimble and Versatile Workforce. Carol is a fellow of the AAAS, The Simons Foundation, and a member of both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine. Carol is currently Zuckerman Institute Chair of Interschool Planning, to foster faculty and student intellectual interactions, including interdisciplinary recruitment and appointments.

Stephen Siegelbaum, PhD, is Chair of the Department of Neuroscience, a principal investigator at the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, a Professor of Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics with the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, and a Gerald D. Fischbach M.D. Professor of Neuroscience with the Department of Neuroscience.

Daniel Wolpert PhD is Chair of the NB&B Internal Advisory Committee. He is a Professor in the Department of Neuroscience and a principal investigator at the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute. Daniel received his Ph.D. in Physiology from the University of Oxford and was a postdoctoral fellow at MIT in Michael Jordan’s lab. He has held faculty positions at University College London and University of Cambridge.

Aniruddha Das, PhD is Director of Diversity Initiatives for the NB&B program. He is an Associate Professor of Neuroscience, principal investigator at the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, and a member of the Kavli Institute for Brain Science. He received his PhD from Berkeley with Charles Townes, (the inventor of the maser and laser), but decided to pursue his long-standing interest in neurobiology and perception, starting with postdoctoral training with Charles Gilbert at Rockefeller University. Aniruddha's lab is interested in cortical mechanisms of visual processing. They have two broad areas of research – understanding task-related anticipation in the visual cortex and analyzing the cortical basis of visual form processing. They are also actively involved in developing new recording and analysis techniques for these two research directions.