Martin Picard, PhD
Research Interest
- PhD, 2012 Mitochondrial biology of aging, McGill University
- Fellowship: University of Pennsylvania
2006 Alvin Shrier Physiology Scholarship, McGill University, Department of Physiology
2008 Masters Training Scholarship, Fonds de Recherche en Sante du Quebec
2008 Alexander Graham Bell Canada Masters Graduate Scholarship, NSERC
2009 Alexander Graham Bell Canada Doctoral Graduate Scholarship, NSERC
2009 McGill Provost’s Graduate Fellowship, McGill University
2011 Age+ Prize, Canadian Institute of Health Research
2011 David L. Montgomery Award for Leadership and Excellence, McGill University
2011 Prix Acfas Desjardins 2011 (Doctoral, All disciplines), ACFAS
2012 Journal of Cell Science Traveling Fellowship, Journal of Cell Science (London)
2013 Young Investigator Colloquium Award, American Psychosomatic Society
2013 Albert Renold Travel Fellowship, European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (Stockolm)
2015 Fellow, Gray Matters at Columbia
2017 Research Fellow, Columbia University Aging Center
2017 Herbert Irving Scholar, Columbia Irving Institute
2019 Neal E Miller New Investigator Award (ABMR)
2019 NIH Rising Stars Lecture
2021 Early Career Impact Award: Federation of Associations of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (FABBS)
Rosenberg A, Rausser S, RenJ, MosharovE, OgdenRT, Patel P, SoniRK, LacefieldC, SturmG, Paus R, Picard M. Quantitative mapping of human hair graying and reversal in relation to life stress. BioRxiv:
Rausser S, Trumpff C, McGill MA, Wang W, Karan K, Mitchell A, Monk C, Segerstrom S, Reed R, Picard M. Mitochondrial phenotypes in purified human immune cell subtypes and cell mixtures. BioRxiv:
Karan KR, Trumpff C, McGill MA, Thomas JE, Sturm G, LauriolaV, Sloan RP, Rohleder N, Kaufman BK, Marsland AL, Picard M. Mitochondrial respiratory chain function modulates LPS-induced inflammatory signatures in human blood. Brain Behav Immun Health 2020; 100080
Sturm G, Cardenas A, Bind MA, Horvath S, Wang S, Wang Y, Hägg S, Hirano M, Picard M. Human aging DNA methylation signatures are conserved but accelerated in cultured fibroblasts. Epigenetics 2019; 14(10):961-976
Trumpff C, Marsland AL, Basualto C, Martin JL, Carroll JE, Sturm G, Gu Z, Vincent A, Kaufman BA, Picard M. Acute psychological stress increases serum circulating cell-free mitochondrial DNA. Psychoneuroendocrinol 2019; 106:268-276
Picard M, Sandi C. The social nature of mitochondria: Implications for human health. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2021; 120(5):595-610
Picard M, Trumpff C, Burelle Y. Mitochondrial psychobiology: Foundation and applications. Curr Opin Behav Sci 2019; 28:142-151
Eisner V, Picard M, Hajnoczky G. Mitochondrial dynamics in adaptive and maladaptive cellular stress responses. Nat Cell Biol 2018; 20(7):655-665
Picard M, McManus MJ, Gray J, Nasca C, Moffat C, Kopinsky P, Seifert E, McEwen BS, Wallace DC. Mitochondrial functions modulate neuroendocrine, metabolic, inflammatory and transcriptional responses to psychological stress. PNAS 2015; 112(48):E6614-23.
For a complete list of publications, please visit
- Aging
- Cellular Signaling
- Clinical Mitochondrial Disease
- Epigenetics
- Mitochondrial Synapses and Network Behavior
- Mitochondrial Signaling and Behavior
- Mitochondrial Psychobiology
- Mitochondrial genetics mtDNA
- Network Science
- Stress Pathophysiology