Yasmine El-Shamayleh, PhD
Research Interest
Neural mechanisms of vision
(1) Visual form processing in the primate cerebral cortex.
(2) Viral vector strategies for the functional dissection of primate neural circuits.
- Training in "Optimizing Mentoring Relationships" led by the Center for Improvement of Mentoring Experiences in Research (CIMER), 2022
- Training in "Culturally Aware Mentoring" led by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN), 2021
- Training in "Bias Reduction" led by Zuckerman Institute Scholar-in-Residence Dr. Dana Crawford, 2021
- Orientation training for new faculty at Columbia: "The PI Crash Course: Skills for Future or New Lab Leaders", 2019
- Bystander Intervention Training, January 2024 (Columbia Sexual Violence Response Office)
Fetsch CR, Odean NN, Jeurissen D, El-Shamayleh Y, Horwitz GD, Shadlen MN [2018]. Focal optogenetic suppression in macaque area MT biases direction discrimination and decision confidence, but only transiently. eLife, 7:e36523
Pasupathy A, El-Shamayleh Y, Popovkina DV [2018]. Visual shape and object perception. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Ed. S. Murray Sherman. New York: Oxford University Press. 10.1093/acrefore/9780190264086.013.75.
El-Shamayleh Y, Kojima Y, Soetedjo R, Horwitz GD [2017]. Selective optogenetic control of Purkinje cells in monkey cerebellum. Neuron, 95: 51-62.
Fyall AM*, El-Shamayleh Y*, Choi H, Shea-Brown E, Pasupathy A [2017]. Dynamic representation of partially occluded objects in primate prefrontal and visual cortex. eLIFE, 6:e25784. *Authors contributed equally.
Mendoza SM*, El-Shamayleh Y*, Horwitz GD [2017]. AAV-mediated delivery of optogenetic constructs to the macaque brain triggers humoral immune responses. Journal of Neurophysiology, 117[5]:2004-2013. *Authors contributed equally.
Galvan A, Stauffer WR, Acker L, El-Shamayleh Y, Inoue K, Ohayon S, Schmid MC [2017]. Nonhuman Primate Optogenetics: Recent Advances and Future Directions. Journal of Neuroscience, 37[45]:10894-10903.
El-Shamayleh Y, Ni AM, Horwitz GD [2016]. Strategies for targeting primate neural circuits with viral vectors. Journal of Neurophysiology, 116[1]:122–34.
El-Shamayleh Y, Pasupathy A [2016]. Contour curvature as an invariant code for objects in visual area V4. Journal of Neuroscience, 36[20]:5532-5543.
Kumbhani RD, El-Shamayleh Y, Movshon JA [2015]. Temporal and spatial limits of pattern motion sensitivity in macaque MT neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 113[7]:1977-88.
Kosai Y*, El-Shamayleh Y*, Fyall A, Pasupathy A [2014]. The role of visual area V4 in the discrimination of partially occluded shapes. Journal of Neuroscience, 34[25]:8570-8584. *Authors contributed equally.
El-Shamayleh Y, Kumbhani RD, Dhruv NT, Movshon JA [2013]. Visual response properties of V1 neurons projecting to V2 in macaque. Journal of Neuroscience, 33[42]:16594-605.
El-Shamayleh Y, Movshon JA [2011]. Neuronal responses to texture-defined form in macaque visual area V2. Journal of Neuroscience, 31[23]:8543-55.
El-Shamayleh Y, Movshon JA, Kiorpes L [2010]. Development of sensitivity to visual texture modulation in macaque monkeys. Journal of Vision, 10[11]:11.
El-Shamayleh Y, Kiorpes L, Kohn A, Movshon JA [2010]. Visual motion processing by neurons in area MT of macaque monkeys with experimental amblyopia. Journal of Neuroscience, 30[36]:12198-209.
For a complete list of publications, please visit PubMed.gov