Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience: Non-human Models
Affiliated Faculty

Assistant Professor
Dmitriy Aronov, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience
Research Interest

Richard Axel, MD, PhD
Co-Director, Mind Brain Behavior Initiative
Research Interest

Peter Balsam, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry), PSY Developmental Neuroscience
Research Interest

Associate Professor
Kevin G Bath, PhD
Associate Professor of Clinical Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry), PSY Developmental Neuroscience
Research Interest

Assistant Professor
Rudy Behnia, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience
Research Interest

Assistant Professor
Andres Bendesky, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology in the Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
Research Interest

Assistant Professor
Sarah E. Canetta, PhD
Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurobiology (in Psychiatry), PSY Developmental Neuroscience
Research Interest

Associate Professor
Gwyneth M. Card, PhD
Associate Professor of Neuroscience (in the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute), Department of Neuroscience
Research Interest

Associate Professor
Mark Churchland, PhD
Associate Professor of Neuroscience
Research Interest

Associate Professor
Aniruddha Das, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Neuroscience
Research Interest

Assistant Professor
Laura B. Duvall, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, Dept of Biological Sciences
Research Interest

Assistant Professor
Yasmine El-Shamayleh, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience (in the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute)
Research Interest

Vincent P. Ferrera, PhD
Professor of Neuroscience (in Psychiatry)
Research Interest

Stuart J. Firestein, PhD
Professor of Biological Sciences (Columbia University)
Research Interest

Assistant Professor
Vikram Gadagkar, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience (in the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute), Department of Neuroscience
Research Interest

Michael E. Goldberg, MD
David Mahoney Professor of Brain and Behavior (in Neuroscience and Neurology [in Psychiatry and Ophthalmology])
Research Interest

Jacqueline Gottlieb, PhD
Professor of Neuroscience
Research Interest

Assistant Professor
Alexander Harris, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, PSY Psych Integrative Neurosci
Research Interest

Rene Hen, PhD
Professor of Pharmacology (in Psychiatry) / Professor of Neuroscience
Research Interest

Associate Professor
Elizabeth Hillman, PhD
Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology (Physics)
Research Interest

Donald C. Hood, PhD
Professor of Ophthalmic Sciences (in Ophthalmology)
Research Interest

Assistant Professor
Elias Issa, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience
Research Interest

Simon John, PhD
Robert L. Burch III Professor of Ophthalmic Sciences (in Ophthalmology), Department of Ophthalmology
Research Interest

Associate Professor
Itamar Kahn, PhD
Associate Professor of Neuroscience (in the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute), Department of Neuroscience
Research Interest

Christoph Kellendonk, PhD
Professor of Molecular Pharmacology & Therapeutics in Psychiatry
Research Interest

Darcy B. Kelley, PhD
Harold Weintraub Professor of Biological Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences; Founding Co-Director, Neurobiology and Behavior Graduate Program
Research Interest

Aurel Lazar, PhD
Professor of Electrical Engineering (Columbia University)
Research Interest

Assistant Professor
E. David Leonardo, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at CUMC
Research Interest

Associate Professor
Attila Losonczy, MD, PhD
Professor of Neuroscience
Research Interest
Assistant Professor
Bianca Jones Marlin
Herbert and Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Cell Research, Department of Psychology, Department of Neuroscience (in the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute)
Research Interest

Assistant Professor
Nima Mesgarani, PhD
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (Columbia University)
Research Interest

Elizabeth S. Olson, PhD
Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Biophysics (in Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery)
Research Interest

Assistant Professor
Yueqing Peng, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology in the Institute for Genomic Medicine
Research Interest

Associate Professor
Dustin R. Rubenstein, PhD
Professor of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology
Research Interest

Daniel Salzman, MD, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry / Neuroscience
Research Interest

Associate Professor
Nathaniel Sawtell, PhD
Associate Professor of Neuroscience
Research Interest

Michael Shadlen, MD, PhD
Professor of Neuroscience
Research Interest

Mimi Shirasu-Hiza, PhD
Professor of Genetics & Development
Research Interest

Steven A. Siegelbaum, PhD
Professor of Pharmacology / Gerald D. Fischbach, M.D. Professor of Neuroscience
Research Interest

Rae Silver, PhD
Kaplan Professor of Natural and Physical Sciences
Research Interest

Scott A. Small, MD
Boris and Rose Katz Professor of Neurology (in the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain, the Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center and in Radiology)
Research Interest

David Sulzer, PhD
Professor of Neurobiology (in Psychiatry, Neurology and Pharmacology) at CUMC
Research Interest

Assistant Professor
Raju Tomer, PhD
Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences (Columbia University)
Research Interest

Associate Professor
Sarah Woolley, PhD
Professor of Psychology (Columbia University)
Research Interest

Associate Professor
Guang Yang, PhD
Associate Professor of Anesthesiological Sciences (in Anesthesiology)
Research Interest

Rafael Yuste, MD, PhD
Professor of Biological Sciences (Columbia University)
Research Interest

Charles Zuker, PhD
Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics / Neuroscience